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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff Episode 71: Oh, Tentacle Bob! #rpg

From kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com-

"We ring in 2014 with an Ask Ken and Robin from Ross Ireland, who wants to switch to a more serious horror tone after years of loosey-goosey play.
Then we zoom back in time to the dying embers of 2013, for a segment of Ken and/or Robin Talk To Someone Else featuring James Wallis of The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen and Once Upon a Time fame.
We conclude our episode of all-eponymous segments with another dive into Ken’s Bookshelf, this time examining his haul from our recent trip to London.
Once again we thank our anchor sponsor, Slabtown Games, who very soon will be launching a Kickstarter for Storyscape, a tablet-based tabletop roleplaying game Robin is currently designing for them."

Check it out-

Episode 71: Oh, Tentacle Bob! « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:

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