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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Zombie Game News: Zomber Squad Opens Second Closed Beta Server

From the Press Release

"Zomber Squad has opened its second closed beta server on Omprus, and you can be a part of it! The beta test will last for one week and we’ll be hosting some awesome events to enrich the experience.

During the closed beta, stay online for 1 hour or more and get rewarded with free Soma and Upgrade Stones, and evolve your Pet to unlock Order Forms and Reebs. At the end of the fifth day after launch, all members of the top 10 Corps will be rewarded with Mad Gainz Passes, and the top 10 Agents by level will be rewarded with tons of free Soma! That’s right - free Soma!

Zomber Squad is a unique MMO for players looking for a bit of a challenge. You’re given the task of controlling up to 3 characters simultaneously in intense battles with the undead. Manage your very own safe district and recruit and train a team of diverse heroes. In addition, PVP is a very large part of Zomber Squad. In the newest update, you can not only enjoy intense PVP combat, but also get rewards for participating! Join Zomber Squad now to get yours!"


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