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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 330 – The Paranormal Activity Series #horror

From horroretc.com-

Welcome to 2014! We ring in the new year with an old subject: Paranormal Activity.

With the release of the latest installment of the series we take some time to try navigating through the convolted mythology of the franchise that has become a little too twisted and confused for its own good. The questions of franchise fatigue, its place in the context of historical relevance, and the formula the films follow are all discussed prior to walking through the progression of the story told so far. Of course, the main question is whether The Marked Ones warrants a return to Paranormal Activity after the resoundingly dismissed Part 4 – our answer may surprise you. Is this a series about demons, witches, possession, or all of the above? Was Micah really a dick, how is the Japanese sequel tied to the rest of the series and of course… just who the hell was Robbie?

Spoilers for Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones from 1:01:37 to 1:09:26

We spend some time catching up on what we’ve been up to including rewatches of some personal favourites – Night of the Demon and The Thing, as well as short discussions on some new outings Open Grave, Scenic Route and Twixt.

Thanks to everyone for your patience during the brief period our episodes were unavailable over the holiday break – explanations are included.

 Check it out-

Episode 330 – The Paranormal Activity Series | Horror Etc:

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