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Friday, November 15, 2013

Zombie Game News: Contagion Friday Frenzy - Ep 05 "New Update" - YouTube

From Contagion Friday Frenzy - Ep 05 "New Update" - YouTube:

"Warning: Some Zombie Violence and Mature Language.

Our last Stream went fantastically and we ended it with a 2 hour Q&A with the followers as well as 3 copies of Contagion given away to those watching. We streamed video of our Dev build as there were delays on our update which should be going out today with our Official Gameservers.com servers being updated all through the night.

We're looking forward to next weeks update and stream where we will hopefully be sharing our latest firearm one I've been wanting in game since day 1 but waited on patiently. This latest update will increase speeds and optimization as well as stomp out more bugs as well.

Enjoy the video and be sure to follow us this Friday for Episode 6 of "Friday Frenzy" for a chance at grabbing a copy of Contagion and seeing some of what is coming!

We the developers will be Streaming live our game currently in development "Contagion" every Friday at 7PM PST/PDT (GMT - 7) via our twitch channel- http://www.twitch.tv/tatsur0

Contagion is a Cooperative Zombie Survival Horror FPS built on a heavily modified version of the Source Engine. A spiritual successor to the popular Half-Life 2 Modification Zombie Panic! Source.

Also worth mentioning, we finally got our 4 pack up on Steam so click on our shop link below and get 4 copies for only $44.97

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MonochromeLLC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonochromeLLC
Steam Store: http://store.steampowered.com/app/238...
Company Site: http://www.monochrome-games.com
Game Site: http://www.contagion-game.com
Video Editing: http://cho-media.org/"

'via Blog this'

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