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Friday, November 15, 2013

The Skeleton Crew Podcast #71 The Curse Of Carrie | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"Skeleton Crew #71 The Curse of Carrie
0:00 – 10:00
The Crew starts the show off talking about that sad, sad day… Nov 1st The October fun is over and we go back to normal life. How do we cope? Jamie released the 2nd episode of her Werewolf podcast Lycan It!

11:30 – 18:30
If the crew accomplished one thing in 1 year and 6 months, it’s gathering listeners who are as passionate about horror as they are. So many listeners have been guests on the show and tonight they have the privilege of being joined by Jerry Vitetta. He listened to every single Skeleton Crew show for 2 straight days when he first discovered them. Now he joins them in some good times. Jerry talks Michael J. and the origins of horror.

19:00 – 33:00
Alex couldnt resist and had to confront Jerry about his issues with Halloween H2O and how Jerry could possibly like the train wreck known as Halloween 5.

34:30 – 48:00
Dan and Jamie gives a quick review of the Carrie 2013 remake!

48:30 – 1:03:00
Alex, Dan and Jamie talk about their Halloween 2 TV Cut Commentary. It really went over well with Skeleton Crew listeners and they are demanding more! So what does the Crew have in store?

1:04:30 – 1:26:00
Jerry is back to talk about some very dark and gory movies he is into. Are they too much for Alex and Dan? Will they be right up Jamie’s alley? She didnt mind a Serbian Film so….

1:28:00 – 2:05:00
The Crew gives a brief overview of Curse of Chucky with Jerry. They talk Evil Dead’s future and See No Evil 2 directed by the talented Soska Sisters. They wrap things up with the molestation charges in Corey Feldman’s new book! Alex met Corey Halloween weekend! He provided Alex with some information in the world of Friday the 13th and Lost Boys!"

Check it out-

TSC #71 The Curse Of Carrie | Horrorphilia:

'via Blog this'

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