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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 311 – This Episode is Torture

From horroretc.com-

"It all started out innocently enough. A random encounter at a local bookstore led us to pulling out the mic and recording our conversation over coffee. The only problem was the subject of our impromptu chat just happened to be the bronze bull. Not familiar? Well, that explanation is precisely how we ended up spending an hour describing some of history’s most atrocious means of inflicting punishment upon one another.

The wiki description of torture is the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical pain to a person who is physically restrained or otherwise under the torturer’s control. The practice has been sanctioned by authorities throughout history for reasons ranging from punishment and interrogation through to sadistic gratification. In the spirit of the horror genre’s indulgences in the most gruesome and uncomfortable corners of human violence, we shed some light on several of the most horrendous examples of true human depravity.

There is nothing pleasant or humourous about this week’s subject but a look back at the ingenuity applied to harm our fellow man may hopefully help us realize how far we have progressed. We’ll lighten the mood next week with a Candyman series retrospective.

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/08/06/episode-311-this-episode-is-torture/#sthash.DTpKbixL.dpuf"

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Episode 311 – This Episode is Torture | Horror Etc:

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