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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 309 – Micro Budget Horror

From horroretc.com-

"In case you were worrying about the collapse of Hollywood over the risk of gigantic tentpole film failures, we are here to offer up a happy alternative – the micro-budget genre movie.

We share a pair of recent watches with budgets that clocked in under $10,000 which we found to be utterly effective which prompted a chat over the viability of the low to no budget genre film. With a member of the crew who is intimately familiar with the subject absent, we approached the topic from the perspective of the film viewer rather than film maker and what we are willing to allow and overlook in exchange for the value of originality in ideas and effectiveness of mood.

After a quick rundown on the unique considerations and challenges of the no-budget film maker, we ended up running down a random list of the inauspicious first outings of Hollywood’s most famous directors. With the occasional examples tossed out along the way we made our way to the main purpose of the episode – a discussion of The Battery (2012) and Resolution (2012). These were both suggestions from the facebook group that ended up inspiring a show dedicated to the independent filmakers and their hidden gems that overcome so many limitations (and we completely forgot to include Shane Caruth’s $7,000 Primer… damn).

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/07/17/episode-309-micro-budget-horror/#sthash.17AL8ub6.dpuf"

Check it out-

Episode 309 – Micro Budget Horror | Horror Etc:

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