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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Game News: A Preview of Edge of Darkness for STAR WARS (TM): The Card Game

From fantasyflightgames.com-

"In February, we announced Edge of Darkness, the first deluxe expansion for Star Wars™: The Card Game. Focused on the dark side’s Scum and Villainy affiliation, as well as the light side’s Smugglers and Spies affiliation, the box introduces twenty-two unique objective sets. In turn, these new objective sets and their cards bolster the game with more tricks than you can fit into a customized suit of Mandalorian armor!

The dark side’s Scum and Villainy affiliation focuses largely on capturing light side cards, but it also benefits from an array of cards that “cheat” the standard rules for placing focus tokens on cards and determining edge battles. Likewise, the expansion’s Smugglers and Spies objective sets are full of ways for the light side player to “cheat” situations as well, utilizing cards like Lando Calrissian (Edge of Darkness, 328) and Cloud City Operative (Edge of Darkness, 324) to sneak past enemy lines, unopposed, and strike against dark side objectives.

Sometimes, however, you don’t want to focus on stealth and trickery, even as a Smugglers and Spies player. Your dark side opponent might, over several turns, manage to build an army of units too numerous for you to exhaust and bypass. Just as likely, he may build a force capable of overwhelming your defenses on strikes against your objectives. If you can’t stop such strikes, the dark side will quickly advance the Death Star dial, and you’ll lose. Thus, if you can’t win early, you’ll want to consider some way to tear down the army your opponent builds."

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Fantasy Flight Games [News] - Wookiee Life Debt:

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