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Monday, May 13, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 298 – Elevator Horror

From horroretc.com-

"Going Down? We dug way down into the subgenre of horror aboard an elevator. This little niche corner of storytelling is a great match for horror because of the tension and stakes at play in a confined space with potential antagonists and claustrophobia in the mix, however… this was not an entirely successful experiment. We pulled a selection of titles at random in the hopes of discovering a hidden goldmine of a theme. The results are here for you to make of them what you will:

Devil (2010) – 5 people stuck in an elevator, 1 of them is the Devil
Elevator (2011) – social commentary, corporate greed, and a bomb
Blackout (2008) – which of the 3 trapped characters is a killer?
The Shaft (2001) – bio-technology results in a sentient, killer elevator

A mixed bag to be sure, but between the reminiscing of highlight scenes from movies featuring the elevator, to fun facts on the social dynamic at play in that magic box, to a look at the real-life horror story of a man trapped for 41 hours, we think there is fun to be had.

Things wrap up with a discussion on Elijah Wood’s stab at remaking Maniac, as well as a brief rundown of Tom Cruise’s mind bending sci-fi action flick Oblivion."

Check it out-

Episode 298 – Elevator Horror | Horror Etc:

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