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Saturday, May 11, 2013

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 037: THE QUEEN OF SPADES (1949) | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"It was another great decade of horror, and now it’s time to wave goodbye with 1949′s ‘The Queen of Spades’ out of Great Britain. A young engineer, Herman, is looking to “take the world by the throat”, andsees fame and riches in the card game fad, Faro. To get the secret of winning every hand, however, he must go through the wicket old aristocrat, Countess Ranevskaya. With everything against the film, including the hiring of director Thorold Dickinson on 5 days notice, it would go on to be nominated for a BAFTA and be considered one of the best horror melodramas to come out of Britain’s golden age. Will the Phantom Erik and Lester Reaper give it the same praise? Tune in to find out, and to hear an abbreviated retrospective on one of horror’s most influential source materials, the ghost story!

Any feedback, suggestions or comments can be sent to 100yearsofhorror@gmail.comor on Facebook. Also be sure to follow The Phantom Erik on Twitter @ThePhantomErik to discuss the films on the podcast!"

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 037: THE QUEEN OF SPADES (1949) | Horrorphilia:

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