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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Zombie Game News: Left 4 Dead 2: Working The Shop

From Left 4 Dead Blog:

"Have you added any Workshop items to your game? If not, time to do it. The creative modders of L4D2 continue to add new content every day. The Cat mod pictured above changes all the common infected into cats. Do you shoot them or do you hug them? A little tip, hugging will not end well and shooting them is really, really hard. To download and keep your cats and other mods up to date, just click the subscribe button on the item page. Next time you start the game you will see the game automatically downloading the custom content.

Right now that content is set to not play on Valve dedicated servers – but that is about to change. We are working to allow the custom content to be usable in non-competitive modes like Campaign and Survival. For now you can see it by playing on third party servers or local games.

We have a few more things in the works.

We are hard at work on the Linux release. While we don’t have a solid ETA yet, we are internally testing on Linux, MAC, and PC. Right now, it is looking pretty good. We will have more news as we get closer to release.

In Left 4 Dead Beta our new scripted mode – EMS (Extended Mutation System) continues its testing with more mods and features being added. When this is released, we will also be updating some match making features to let you more easily find games and lobbies for your favorite Mutations.

Lastly, this Friday we will have a few special little teases for the L4D2/RE6 mashup. Until then, we saw this great piece of concept art posted over on Reddit. I think combining this with Splink’s Cat mod would be perfect. It just leaves us with one question, is that a new special or a new survivor?"

'via Blog this'

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