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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 291 – The Indiana Jones Series

From horroretc.com-

"Grab your fedora hat, bullwhip and leather jacket to join us on a globe-trotting adventure. This week we take a look back at the Indiana Jones trilogy (oh, and the fourth one too). It was an impromptu and very casual session of reminiscing about films that were such an important part of our childhood and have become so ingrained in cinema history.

The Indy films of the 80′s captured a pure spirit of fun and adventure, blending action with humour, and reaffirmed Speilberg’s mastery of the medium. Our commentary is entirely positive when discussing the original trilogy so apologies up front for the gushing. Things get a little less glowing when Harrison Ford donned the hat again 19 years later however with CGI monkeys, ants and gophers battling with a nuclear fridge shelter for the greatest affront.

We hope you enjoy taking a look back with us at Indy and his legacy as we debate the likelihood of surviving the various encounters faced, the appropriate rating to apply to heart ripping and child enslavery, the merits of immortality, and much more.

One small disclaimer: this recording took place 1 day before the Lucasfilm / Disney announcement. Our discussion over the possibility of getting more Star Wars films proved to be an interesting time capsule that became immediately proven wrong."

Check it out-

Episode 291 – The Indiana Jones Series | Horror Etc:

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