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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Horror Video Game News: Special Collector's Editions Reveal for Aliens: Colonial Marines plz RT

Prometheus disappoint you? Have no fear xenophiles, Aliens: Colonial Marines promises to bring loads of xenomorph action and scares! Check out the special edition goodies-




From the press release-

SEGA of America, Inc., Gearbox Software and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products have announced a Collector’s Edition and an exclusive GameStop pre-order offer for the highly anticipated blockbuster Aliens: Colonial Marines video game, launching February 12, 2013, worldwide. Offering players a multitude of unique and exclusive content from the ALIENS universe, including four playable characters from the original 1986 movie for competitive multiplayer, the Collector’s Edition and the GameStop exclusive are available for pre-order today.

GameStop (North America) Exclusive Pre-Order Content for Competitive Multiplayer:

Four Playable Movie Characters: Players will be able to fight for their squad’s survival and confront hordes of enemies as the original ALIENS film icons Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake, and Sergeant Apone.
Additional Marines Character Customization Options
Ripley’s Flamethrower
The Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector’s Edition (US $99.99) is set to bring the ultimate ALIENS experience in one box.
Collector’s Edition:

High Quality Resin Powerloader Figurine in Limited Edition Xeno Hive Box
Four Playable Movie Characters: Players will be able to fight for their squad’s survival and confront hordes of enemies as the original ALIENS film icons Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake and Sergeant Apone.
Additional Marines Character Customization Options
Ripley’s Flamethrower
Exclusive Multiplayer Weapons: Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers and Phase Plasma Rifle
Exclusive Game Level: USCM Academy Firing Range
USCM Dossier: Mission Brief, USS Sephora Schematic, Recruitment Card, LV-426 Recon Photo, USCM Iron-on Badges, and USCM Graduation Certificate.
To pre-order Aliens: Colonial Marines from GameStop with the exclusive pre-order bonus or the Collector’s Edition, please visit the Gamestop website.

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