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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cthulhu Mythos Game News: Cthulhu vs Cancer plz RT

From cthulhureborn.wordpress.com-

UPDATE 2 June: Because several folks have encountered difficulties in transferring funds to Paul’s charity in “payment” for his scenario, he has now made it available for “purchase by donation” at DrivethruRPG. Click here to go to the Drivethru product page for “Dockside Dogs.”
This is a particularly exciting development for me … as the process of preparing a PDF for distribution through Drivethru gave Paul the opportunity to add a slightly more complex layout to his (already quote nifty) scenario, and I was fortunate enough to assist in the process. One of the cool design elements I was able to donate to the final product was a front/back cover design based around the graphic I posted here a little while ago:

Read on here-

Cthulhu vs Cancer « Cthulhu Reborn:

'via Blog this'


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