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Monday, April 30, 2012

The League of Eldritch Gentlemen: Monster Island Resort Podcast: The Black Cat

From League of Eldritch Gentlemen member Monster Island Resort Podcast-

Hello everyone!

I have another bonus MIR Storytime Edition for all of you. Last week Monday, I had the opportunity to read Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat during a new film series I’m co-presenting at Whistle Stop Bar, along with Beth Accomando of Cinema Junkie and Ian Forbes of The Sobering Conclusion called Shot by Shot. This was part of WriteOutLoud’s Shades of Poe Month, and it was a pleasure to participate! I am, of course, a huge admirer of Poe’s work, and The Black Cat is an especially vicious tale to read in front of a group of people.

Listen here-

MIR Storytime #13: A Live Reading of THE BLACK CAT by Edgar A. Poe from Our SHADES OF POE Event « Monster Island Resort:

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