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Monday, April 30, 2012

Cthulhu Mythos RPG News: Terror from the Skies: A Call of Cthulhu Campaign for 2012

PhotobucketFromChaosium.com: News - Terror from the Skies:

Item # CHA23128
128 pages
SRP $20.95
ISBN10: 1568823673
ISBN13: 9781568823676
Written by Colin Hart
Cover Art by Marco Morte

Terror from the Skies
A Desperate Race to Save Humanity From a Dark Future

In Terror From The Skies investigators partake in a race to save the earth from malevolent creatures. Set in 1920s England, this adventure is rife with plot twists, mini-adventures linked to create a sizable campaign, and formidable foes. Investigators are lured into the campaign with a tale of local mystery, which slowly unfolds into a heart-pumping time-sensitive race for humanity!

This campaign intertwines historic events with mythos themes, creating an interesting and captivating experience for keepers and players alike. Terror From The Skies includes 10 chapters, an array of interesting NPCs, and a variety of maps and handouts. 128 pages.
Dustin O'Chaosium

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