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Thursday, February 27, 2014

FearShop Horror Podcast - Episode 104 - The Curse of Blood #horror

From feareshop.com-

"Wither (2012), The Human Race (2013) and Carrie (2013) are reviewed. Paul Hough's latest film, Wither, is reviewed as well as The Human Race and the Carrie remake starring Chloë Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore. Leave a voice mail at 206.309.4787 or email us at podcast@fearshop.com."

Check it out-

FearShop Horror Podcast - Episode 104 - The Curse of Blood:

'via Blog this'

 Many of the films featured on Cthutube are available for rental or purchase on Amazon. And when you rent or purchase anything on Amazon through our links you help keep The Cthutube Network alive (or, undead)!http://astore.amazon.com/zombiemoviesatoz-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=2Follow Cthutube for breaking news on horror, movies, books, comics, television, RPG's, Video Games, NOTLD, Call Of Cthulhu, Trail Of Cthulhu, Arkham Horror, Day Z, The Walking Dead, World War Z, AFMBE, Left 4 Dead, Elder Sign, Mansions Of Madness, horror and zombie games, Dungeons & Dragons, and all things Lovecraftian!- Yours in gothic supremacy, Kyle Everett FUBAR Sember

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