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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 331 Friendship is Magic #horror

From horroretc.com-

"This is what a From the Hip episode was meant to be. From an opening rant to the psychology of cats and everything in between. We opened up the mic and talked about some of the stuff we have been watching but to try to organize it in a summary is challenging. Here goes: Ted shares some recent video game experiences (The Last of Us and The Walking Dead season 2), Anthony shares a number of documentaries he’s checked out from Searching for Sugarman to a cool look at the supporting players of film in That Guy Who Was in That Thing, to analysis of film vs digital projection in Side by Side to a guy who can supposedly see spirits in Wake Up.

Oh, but there was one more documentary that we both saw which delivered true frights – Bronies.. adult fans of My Little Pony!? Rounding out the film titles, we discuss Lone Survivor, All is Lost, and Martha Marcy May Marlene, but the meat of this episode are the tangents into everything from where the next generation Star Trek films went wrong, the state of found footage, cheapo Amityville and Bell Witch films, the 12th season of Supernatural to name a few.

We hope you enjoy a good old fashioned from the hip show and welcome your feedback on anticipated films of 2014 (just keep your “clomping” stories to yourself).

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2014/01/13/episode-331-horroretc-friendship-is-magic/#sthash.tiAFyPxo.dpuf"

Check it out-

Episode 331 – Horroretc: Friendship is Magic | Horror Etc:

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