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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Walking Dead 'Cast Episode 126: TWD Issue #118 #TheWalkingDead

From walkingdeadcast.com-

"And now for something a little different! At your request (well, some of ya anyway) we’re spinning off our Under the Comic Covers segments into their own episodes, and here’s the first one. In this episode, Mr. Blahg, Gracie Lou, and special guest, me, review The Walking Dead issue #118, the fourth issue in the current All Out War mega-arc.
This episode is entirely about the comic book, so if you’re not caught up and don’t want to be spoiled on it, hang tight and we’ll catch you in a few. And by the way, this doesn’t mean Karen and I will be podcasting any less than usual. It just means each time a new issue of the comic is releases, you comic lovers will get a bonus.
Let us know what you think, and if you have any requests or ideas!"

Check it out-

Episode 126: TWD Issue #118 | The Walking Dead 'Cast:

'via Blog this'

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