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Monday, December 9, 2013

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff Episode 68: Why You Shouldn’t Ask Us to Destroy Civilization #rpg

From kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com-

"News that US states are now legalizing Internet gambling within their borders send us to an unusually garishly lit and jingle-jangling Gaming Hut, where we consider hobby gaming twists on playing for cash online.
Then Ask Ken and Robin visits the Consulting Occultist on behalf of Steven W. King, who wants to know what to put on his beginning occult bookshelf.
In the Cartography Hut we look for the fun in the relative inaccuracy of period maps.
Finally, in an all-too-inevitable Politics Hut, Robin shares the local perspective on the now-international Rob Ford story, from the release of damning search warrant evidence to his loss of all but titular authority. You learned about it here first, probably!
Anchor sponsor Slabtown Games remains with us to tout Storyscape, a tablet-based tabletop roleplaying game Robin is currently designing for them."

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Episode 68: Why You Shouldn’t Ask Us to Destroy Civilization « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:

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