"Special guest Rob Heinsoo joins Ken and Robin for a very special episode recorded live at Dragonmeet, from the municipal splendor of Kensington Town Hall in beautiful downtown London.
Ken nerdtropes the alchemical secrets of the JFK airport. Rob performs a parlor trick of his own by telling us a story about danger. And Robin spills some beans on continuity changes in the upcoming Feng Shui 2.
In response to audience questions the panel reveals its favorite gaming moments and sources of design envy.
This will be our last episode before we take a brief break for the holidays. We’ll be back with a brand new show on January 10th.
Once again we thank our anchor sponsor, Slabtown Games, who very soon will be launching a Kickstarter for Storyscape, a tablet-based tabletop roleplaying game Robin is currently designing for them."
Check it out-
Episode 70: Live from Dragonmeet 2013 « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff:
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