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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 327 – From The Hip (catching up edition)

Let’s do some catching up. We had a lively and fun conversation covering all the comings and goings of the past month with some pretty random titles tossed in along the way. In our first episode in the same room in quite some time we thought we would try an old fashioned from the hip format – and based on all the tangents we went on, it was true to form.

There was a lot of random thoughts tossed out between discussions on The Last Exorcism and its ill-conceived sequel, a couple of recent indie horror offerings Rites of Spring and Jugface, a dramatic real-life horror thriller Prisoners, and some really questionable choices Catching Fire and After Earth(!). A new M Night film to get worked up over was not the source of the worst tirade this episode.

Along the way we talked Trailer Park Boys, Grand Theft Auto 5, the Man of Steel sequel, the death of Paul Walker and the challenge of continuing with Fast 7, Dr. Who, The Walking Dead, gifts received in the horroretc mailbox, and of course the annual x-mas bitching. All this and a truly creepy schlock corner devoted to the strange case of Elisa Lam.

It’s good to back, let’s do it again real soon.

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/12/10/episode-327-from-the-hip-catching-up-edition/#sthash.jNMXyo0Z.dpuf

Episode 327 – From The Hip (catching up edition) | Horror Etc:

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