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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Zombie Game News: Official Contagion Friday Frenzy Series - Ep 03 - YouTube

From Official Contagion Friday Frenzy Series - Ep 03 - YouTube:

"Warning: Some Zombie Violence and Mature Language.

New Headset should equate to better quality voice on my end. Unfortunately Alex Wright couldn't join us this week having to make a trip out to San Francisco for family. Be sure to catch our next "Friday Frenzy" Live Stream next Friday!

We the developers will be Streaming live our game currently in development "Contagion" every Friday at 7PM PST/PDT (GMT - 7) via our twitch channel- http://www.twitch.tv/tatsur0

Contagion is a Cooperative Zombie Survival Horror FPS built on a heavily modified version of the Source Engine. A spiritual successor to the popular Half-Life 2 Modification Zombie Panic! Source.

Want to congratulate the fans, press, and youtubers that made it possible for us to not only reach our goal but also break our stretch goal and go a bit further. We will make good use of the Kickstarter funds and be sending rewards as soon as Kickstarter/Amazon Payments clear all funds.

Also a reminder Contagion releases on Steam October 25th, 2013 for $14.99 "Early Access"

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MonochromeLLC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonochromeLLC
Steam Store: http://store.steampowered.com/app/238...
Company Site: http://www.monochrome-games.com
Game Site: http://www.contagion-game.com
Video Editing: http://cho-media.org/"

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