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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Horrific Visions Podcast #24 Roid Rage | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"We are on a roll with kick ass horror shorts on Horrific Visions. I’m proud to present you Roid Rage! I guarantee you that you will love this film!

“Roid Rage” is about Billy Beck, a steroid dealer who gets a designer drug from The UK that is equipped with dangerous livestock products that morph bodybuilders into superhuman killer machines.

Jack’s Jacked Gym, the place that Beck sells his gear out of, is sponsoring a local amateur bodybuilding contest called “The Mega Muscles Contest” on Depot Island.

Spectators take a ferry out to the island and enjoy shopping at the array of local vendors and sponsors. It is supposed to be a fun family day.

But things are far from fun when Beck decides to inject the contestants with the experimental drug that he gets from England before the contest.

The handful of pumped-up hopefuls take the stage and strut their boldest and brightest poses.

Everything seems normal but then something happens…

The mad cow disease, mixed with the anabolic steroids, causes the ultimate roid rage and the hulking and angry contestants rush the crowd and begin snapping innocent spectators’ spines like twigs.

The DEA is on the island to make a big bust but they are forced to team with Beck and several rogue survivors to battle a small crowd of mutated muscle monsters.

The film’s action scenes and thrashing characters cut and illuminate like hatchet blades, inviting the innocent spectator into a world of truculent, flawed characters who live and die in a place that looks like Oz after dark.

Directed by Josh Mitchell and Patrick Ryan.

Starring Josh Mitchell, Nikki Robertshaw, and Jim Sullivan.

Shot, Edited, and Compressed by Patrick Ryan."

Check it out-

Horrific Visions #24 Roid Rage | Horrorphilia:

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