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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Zombie Game News: The Dead Linger hits Steam Early Access!

As we wait for Day Z standalone, another open world zombie game hits.

From The Dead Linger : Blog:

So, now you want to play, right? Follow the instructions below! You will either fall into categories A, B, or C.

A) If you already have a Steam version of The Dead Linger sitting in your Steam library, you’re all set. Just head to your Steam client, click on Library, and play The Dead Linger!

B) If you pre-ordered before Build 10, but never got a Steam key, please check this blog post and read it very thoroughly for instructions on how to unlock your Steam key.

C) If you have not bought The Dead Linger, you can now pick it up directly on Steam! Click here to go to the Steam store page!

I found a bug! What do I do?
If you find a bug or error, please report it on our Support & Bug Reporting forum. Please read the pinned topics (stickies) before you post, though!

Now, with all releases, even (especially?) releases on a new engine, we’ll have our share of bugs, crashes, faults, and other nasty shenanigans. Luckily for you, some of them we get to know about in advance and are on The List to get fixed. Those are listed below.


First and foremost, some things from 009c are MISSING. There are also brand new things you’ve never seen before! Rest assured, all features and polish from 009c WILL return over a short duration of time. We still have a big list of “stuff left to do” and we will be hotfixing them in, and rolling them into the big 011 update coming later on. (More on that later!)
IMPORTANT: Multiplayer is heavily untested as of this release. There may be lots of client-server sync issues. We can not promise anything in multiplayer will work exactly as intended, nor can we promise that multiplayer will function for a long duration of time. That said, you are welcome to try, and we’d love to hear your feedback, and please report all issues you find.
IMPORTANT: There are currently no dedicated servers. You will have to host a server on your client and others will be able to join that.
Many animations are not in place. If you’re holding a weapon funny, don’t sweat it. Report it, and we’ll make sure it gets fixed soon!
Some inventory items get squished. Please don’t make fun of them for it, they’re trying their best to be the correct shape.
Sometimes when traveling far, the game will decide to reject your egress like a scorned lover. Please be gentle to the game – she doesn’t mean it. She’s just going through some stuff right now.
The multiplayer chat box currently cuts off messages. Keep it short, people!
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. If you are afraid of bugs, turn back now. You’ve been warned.
Zombies will sometimes just stop caring about you entirely. It’s not that they wouldn’t care if they could, it’s just that they’re zombies.
Zombies will sometimes do crazy acrobatics when trying to get through windows to eat your tasty flesh.
A lot of sound effects are missing right now. We didn’t have time to put them in. We don’t even have anything funny to say about this one.
Guns are a bit bipolar when it comes to operating. If you treat them right, they’ll be nice to you in return. And mean to zombies.
Ammunition boxes generally contain one round in them, or something. Again, guns and ammo are kind of strange right now.
There are no ironsights yet. You will simply zoom, without the visible ironsights. You can use the crosshair for now!
Sometimes the framerate just decides to stop rating frames, and instead does the opposite thing.
Sometimes when rejoining a world, there will be duplicate objects, such as doors. Or sometimes the terrain will appear where it really isn’t. Sometimes objects will float in the sky. Tree, come down. You are not a cloud, you are a tree.
Some stuff, in general, doesn’t feel quite like 009 yet. The survivor is a bit too tall, the camera bob is a bit too bobby, and the .. Well, you get the picture! Some things just aren’t the same, and that’s okay! We’re working on them, and they’ll be better than they’ve ever been before!
Sometimes when playing multiplayer, survivors will see different things from other survivors. This is normal – for Alpha, anyway.

ALL of these issues will be fixed sooner than later. Welcome to Alpha! Enjoy the ride, and don’t hesitate to leave bug reports and general feedback!


We said we wouldn’t have patch notes, but we decided that it’s just too good to pass up some of the good news! This list covers most of the new things we’ve added that weren’t present in 009c.
There is a new “drop” icon over items when they are eligible to be dropped from the inventory.
There is a brand new console! Press ~ and behold! There are many new features, such as copy/paste and using the arrow keys to scroll through previous commands. The FPS counter and your current world seed is also shown along the top of this window. We will add more commands and functionality to this window as time goes on.
There is a new console command for server hosts. It is called timerate. It works as such: “timerate ” For example, you would type “timerate 60 60″ and press enter. This will make 60 second days and 60 second nights. (That is the minimum seconds allowed as well.)
There are now blinds on windows, and houses have taller windows.
Improved day-night cycle and lighting
New status bars in the inventory (hunger, infection risk, etc.) They look a bit crazy, but we’ll fix that up in a bit.
Voronoi regions are now 512 meters (on average), down from 1024 meters.
The sun now produces sun shafts.
Steep cliffs now have a cool rocky texture.
Vastly improved Server Browser. (And many more improvements to come!)
Vastly improved key bindings menu.
Much better control over graphical settings. Not as many or as detailed as we would like just yet, but it’s getting there! We do NOT recommend running on the lowest settings available – things get a little trippy.
A lot of other minor improvements have been made to certain systems, and much, much more to come!
That’s all for now! Stay tuned to our Twitter for news on hotfixes. We predict we will be hotfixing through the weekend before beginning development on Build 011. Keep an ear close, and keep throwing us feedback! We’ve just started a new chapter with The Dead Linger releasing on Steam. Thank you all for your support on Greenlight, and your continued support as we develop. Be sure to spread the word to your friends, and maybe even a few enemies. We’ll let the dead sort the living.

Linger on Survivors!

'via Blog this'

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