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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Zombie Game News: DayZ Mod 1.8 Update and changes

From DayZ Mod 1.8 Update - DayZ Announcements - Day Z Forums:


* [NEW] - New Player UI (Eat, Drink, Blood Icons, Sound/Sight icons).
* [NEW] - Combat Mode System. (Disconnect in x secounds has been removed. Combat icon has been removed. Countdown is now on the abort button itself)
* [NEW] - Completely reworked inventory design.
* [NEW] - Spawn selection. (Balota, Berenzino, Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Solnichniy and Random) Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (Default: disabled)
* [NEW] - You may now access another player's gear if they are unconscious.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 and foodbox1 found at infected camps.
* [NEW] - Medbox1 added to hospital.
* [NEW] - Compass is now twice as big.
* [NEW] - Now possible to siphon the fuel from vehicles.
* [NEW] - Weapon - SVD (MilitarySpecial)
* [NEW] - Backpacks have a new sound on opening.
* [NEW] - Bear trap has been re-added to loot tables. (More information down in the Changelog)
* [NEW] - Object orientation system for better placement (will allow more control on object placement tents, stash, camo nets, tanktraps, sandbags, wirefence)
* [NEW] - Added item Camo net. (Helicrash, Military)
* [NEW] - Camo nets will be removed within 24 hours of owners death.
* [NEW] - New Loot locations (Land_a_stationhouse, Land_HouseV2_04_interier, Land_Mil_Barracks_i, Land_SS_hangar)
* [NEW] - Logs Suspicious weapons, kills with local vehicles and one shoot kills.
* [NEW] - Hold/carry functionality to gear.
* [NEW] - Weapon switch 1, 2, 3 keys function as hotkey. (1 => rifle, 2 => pistol, 3 => melee)
* [NEW] - Added plants model antihack.
* [NEW] - Death screen function. (Player will be moved to lobby after a 5 second timeout.)
* [NEW] - ShackTac Movement addons - This addon causes your weapon collision with the environment to be significantly toned down, meaning that you can now move sideways through doorways and generally find CQB to be enjoyable, versus feeling like a rusty robot trying to navigate a terrifying alien world called 'indoors'. Try it out and see, it's simple and very noticeable.
* [NEW] - Crafting system implemented (All recipes must be discovered by crafting).
* [NEW] - Sea Fishing has now been added. (Fishing only possible in the sea).
* [NEW] - Simpler Server Settings for Server admins.
* [NEW] - Ingame Map is now Clear (Unnecessary Arma Menu has been removed)
* [NEW] - 1 new food item (cake), 1 New melee weapon, 6 New fish models, Many new crafting models.
* [NEW] - Crafted Traps. (Tripwire (Flare), Tripwire (Smoke), Tripwire (Grenade), Bear Trap (Flare), Bear Trap (Smoke))
* [NEW] - Crafted Medical items. (Makeshift Bandage)
* [NEW] - Crafted Weapons. (Nailed Bat, Barbed Wire Bat)
* [NEW] - New delayed infection called Sepsis is now active, based on blood percentage & damage done on all Zed attacks.
Stage 1:
The first 15 minutes
You cannot pass the infection to others
You do not take blood damage
You have a warning blood icon to show infection

Stage 2:
15 minutes - 22.5 minutes
You cannot pass the infection on
You lose 1 blood per second
You have the normal blood loss icon

Stage 3:
22.5 minutes to 30 minutes
You cannot pass the infection to others
You lose 2 blood per second
Normal blood loss icon

After 30 minutes you become fully infected, you can transmit the infection to others, you lose 3 blood per second and your screen will shake. On disconnect you will become infected.

* [FIXED] - Bear Trap is now synced with the Server and won't disappear after server restart.
* [FIXED] - Zed direction issue when under chase condition. (should stop them continually turning)
* [FIXED] - Issue where you would get stuck after the tackle animation.
* [FIXED] - Updated all zed movement systems to fall in line with the re-added LOS and Angle of attack checks. (This should improve zeds reaction times & make sure target is in hitting range)
* [FIXED] - Small update to overall damage output.
* [FIXED] - Major dupe, reconnect dupe and body dupe.
* [FIXED] - DayZ Loading screen if people have ACR.
* [FIXED] - Eating and drinking in vehicles.
* [FIXED] - Infection will now be properly removed at tents after logout
* [FIXED] - Dead body doesn't disappear any more if the player disconnected too fast.
* [FIXED] - BattleFieldClearance antihack.
* [FIXED] - Hospital wallhack.
* [FIXED] - Antihack.
* [FIXED] - Removed benches in the middle of the NWAF barracks entrance.
* [FIXED] - Loot will now be more random within the weaponholders. (We wont allow two items of the same type in each pile)
* [FIXED] - Medical actions performed in vehicles now work properly.
* [FIXED] - BIS_Effects AirDestruction bug that sets the world on fire.
* [FIXED] - Some 'No entry' Error's has been fixed.
* [FIXED] - Refueling while swimming.
* [FIXED] - Not being able to administer antibiotics to infected players.

* [UPDATED] - DMR and SVD have been balanced. (lower fire rate)
* [UPDATED] - Quick switch now has action menu swapping.
* [UPDATED] - PV optimization. (should remove some unwanted traffic)
* [UPDATED] - Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
* [UPDATED] - Missionfile is now much smaller.
* [UPDATED] - Replaced combat roll with Shacktac Bunny Hop.
* [UPDATED] - Removed attack call from FSM due to latency. Player who spawned the zed may not be the player the zed is attacking.
* [UPDATED] - Security updates.
* [UPDATED] - Updated hospital loot.
* [UPDATED] - Increased angle of attack.
* [UPDATED] - Removed all trash items from building loot tables and replaced with a generic table (better organisation)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Workers have now been assigned home locations. (MilitarySpecial, Military,Industrial) (harder to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Viral Villagers have now been assigned home locations. (Supermarket,Farm,Residential) (easy to spot)
* [UPDATED] - Max smoke target range to 50.
* [UPDATED] - Loot spawning radius increase from 120 to 125. (takes into account run speed from start to finish)
* [UPDATED] - Humanity gain over time for bandits.
* [UPDATED] - Auto continue when mission loads for first time.
* [UPDATED] - Antiwallhack.
* [UPDATED] - Land_Mil_Guardhouse Now spawn's a max of 3 zeds down from the default of 6
* [UPDATED] - Players may now administer antibiotics to other players
* [UPDATED] - Players may now switch seats while in a helicopter (back seat, gunner, pilot).
* [UPDATED] - Removed some non SD mags from SD weapons, Removed some SD mags from non SD weapons.
* [UPDATED] - Melee weapon damage updates (Machete > 15, Hatchet > 12,Crowbar > 10,Bat > 9,BatBarbed > 12, BatNailed > 12)
* [UPDATED] - You must now press the gear button (Default "G") to open gear while in a vehicle

* [REMOVED] - Vehicle damage spam log.
* [REMOVED] - Collision system from tents, stash's, camo nets (Should allow storage system to be placed in better locations)
* [REMOVED] - Difficulty system due to issues with official hive. (Official hive cant hold multiple difficulty levels)
* [REMOVED] - Removed ArmA 2 squad command menu (0-9 or F1-F12)
* [REMOVED] - Map markers for other players and empty vehicles (blue/orange/green dots & vehicles)

Learn more here-

DayZ Mod 1.8 Update - DayZ Announcements - Day Z Forums:

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