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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 317 – Fear 101

From horroretc.com-

"Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Well, we’re here to discuss whether fear is really so unpleasant after all. It’s an old school episode of the podcast where we simply sat down and conversed over the subject of what draws us as genre fans to be confronted with uncomfortable, frightful material. What elements of the horror genre are most effective and why.

The distinction is made between terror, horror and revulsion – the three stages of the scare experience. Stephen King considers terror to be the “finest emotion” of the three and we tend to agree. Calling all the way back to episode 2 of the podcast, we remain proponents of suspense and atmosphere. It was a really engaging session throwing out thoughts and ideas about the use of horror as a coping mechanism to escape the ever-present fear of death and the unknown, and how scare tactics have evolved in recent years and why. This is what Horroretc was meant to be about.

We do have a few random topics to toss in as well including Anthony’s recent dabbling in X-Files, discussion of The Frozen Ground, Kon-Tiki(?), Coraline and the Nicolas Winding Refn’s follow up to the superb Drive, Only God Forgives.

Quick heads up – it took us a little while to get rolling on the main subject as we pondered the direction of the show in recent months, so things don’t really get started until the 19:00 mark.

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/09/25/episode-317-fear-101/#sthash.1RMqCPkG.dpuf"

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Episode 317 – Fear 101 | Horror Etc:

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