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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast Episode 316 – Book Club Addendum

from horroretc.com-

"Back to the bookstore. As promised we follow up our Book Club episode with a second literature themed show. This time out the guys meet at the local book shop to discuss some works that horroretc listeners have produced. The main portion of the show is an interview with listener / author Nicole Cushing who shares her own insights and experiences as a genre writer, and words of advice for those with similar goals in mind.

Following the book talk, we briefly chat about a few subjects including The Walking Dead point and click videogame, a disturbing documentary Blackfish, an odd anthology drama The Place Beyond the Pines, and wrap up the late summer box office roundup with quick thoughts on Kick Ass 2.

- See more at: http://www.horroretc.com/2013/09/18/episode-316-book-club-addendum/#sthash.H3OIMxg4.dpuf"

Check it out-

Episode 316 – Book Club Addendum | Horror Etc:

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