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Friday, August 23, 2013

Evil Episodes Podcast: Episode #45 400 Days of The Haunted | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"It’s time to turn the dial to Evil. You’re Horror TV Fix is back!

Corey is out for this episode so Jamie & myself call in some reinforcements to handle business discussing TellTale’s “400 Days” episode of The Walking Dead game. Did this live up to the expectations? Was it a satisfying teaser in anticipation for season 2 which is on it’s way soon? Who showed mercy and who was a ruthless killer on their play-through? Am I exaggerating? Only one way to find out, as Robin & Julie from AllHorror.net and Chris/Paimonaeon from Bind/Torture/Kast join us for the review/discussion!

Then, Jamie and Mike close out this episode with a review of the 1991 made for TV fightfest, The Haunting. See the movie that freaked Mike out as a kid and has stuck with him every time he has watched any haunted house flick. Listen to Jamie’s glowing review of the movie she considers one of the best made for TV movies of all time….yeah I spoiled our opinions a bit, but hey this movie is worth the praise ahead of time, and i encourage everyone to track it down (uploaded on youtube, folks) and see for themselves how ahead of it’s time it is and witness how much has been borrowed from it since!"

Check it out-

Evil Episodes Podcast: Episode #45 400 Days of The Haunted | Horrorphilia:

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