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Friday, June 28, 2013

Vicis Interimo: Time To Kill Podcast Episode 159: H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume 4 | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"Hello and welcome to episode 159! This week we talk about the H.P. Lovecraft Collection, Volume 4 (Pickman’s Model). Unless we can get our hands on Volume 5, this will be the last episode where we discuss this collection. Short topics this week include ‘Man of Steel’, ‘Men in Black 3′, and the Silent Hill video games. We also discuss whether or not to let our episodes go over 30 minutes… if anyone out there has an opinion, please contact us! We may be taking a vote! Thanks again for listening…

Pickman’s Model (H.P. Lovecraft Collection Vol. 4, Chilean Gothic) 2000, NR
Three directors each deliver an interpretation of one of H.P. Lovecraft’s creepiest short stories, a tale about an artist whose grotesque paintings of horrifying monsters may be more than just creations of his fertile imagination. Ricardo Harrington’s Chilean Gothic follows a detective’s search for the mysterious artist on a South American island. Cathy Welch and Giovanni Furore offer short versions that are closer to Lovecraft’s original tale."

Check it out-

Vicis Interimo: Time To Kill Podcast Episode 159: H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume 4 | Horrorphilia:

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