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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zombie Video Game News: First Teaser Poster For BikerZ a DayZ Mod plz RT

This is a blurb and a teaser poster for BikerZ, a DayZ mod i wish to create. If anyone is interested in helping contact me at kesinpa@gmail.com with BikerZ in the subject.

 Across the world, a terrible plague is annihilating the human race.

 It started when a NASA probe to Jupiter exploded as it reentered Earth’s atmosphere.

 Many suspect the probe was destroyed on purpose, in an attempt to prevent it from returning. Others believe the plague to be a biological weapon. Created by the US military, The CIA, China, Korea, radical leftists, Martians. Take your pick. It’s a lot easier to think this was the act of your sworn enemy, or of nature, or of a vengeful god.

 To consider it is just the randomness of the cosmos will only bring madness.

 And the world has quite the bumper crop of lunacy already in these dark times.

 The dead walk. And everything we believed has been torn asunder.

 All organization is gone. No one is coming to the rescue. We are on our own.

 But, in the once great iron city, survival is a way of life.

 Five rival outlaw motorcycle clubs now wage a holy war against each other and the undead to protect the neighborhoods and people they once controlled and exploited.

 This is a world of death.

This is a world of outlaws.

This is the world of Bikerz.

  Follow Cthutube for breaking news on horror, movies, books, comics, television, RPG's, Video Games, NOTLD, Call Of Cthulhu, Trail Of Cthulhu, Arkham Horror, Day Z, The Walking Dead, World War Z, AFMBE, Left 4 Dead, Elder Sign, Mansions Of Madness, horror and zombie games, Dungeons & Dragons, and all things Lovecraftian!- Yours in gothic supremacy, Kyle Everett FUBAR Sember

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