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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 034: Evolutionary Horror (featuring Frank Dello Stritto) | Horrorphilia

From horrorphilia.com-

"This week, Gill and Roscoe are joined by horror historian and writer Frank J. Dello Stritto, co-author of “Vampire over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain”. Frank joins us to discuss Darwin’s theory of evolution as presented in horror, with discussion of “Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1932), “Island of Lost Souls” (1932), “The Abominable Snowman” (1957) and “The Time Machine” (1960). Along the way, Frank tells us about his time researching “Vampire over London” in the UK, his articles for Monster Bash magazine and talks about his most recent book “A Quaint and Curious Volume of Forgotten Lore”. Bookending the interview, Gill and Roscoe discuss “Iron Man 3″ (2013), “Evil Dead” (2013) and Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips’s recent Lovecraft-inspired noir comic, “Fatale”. This is a chaotic one, creeps, so sit back and enjoy the ride."

Check it out-

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 034: Evolutionary Horror (featuring Frank Dello Stritto) | Horrorphilia:

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