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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Zombie Game News: Deadly Walkers on it's way to PC and Mac

From the Press Release

"Animantz and Dysotek are glad to announce Deadly Walkers, their new gaming title for Mac and PC. Deadly Walkers is a zombie FPS that carries the player in a new dimension of scare. It gives the feel and the breathless emotions of the old zombie movies, like Dawn of the Dead (1978). For the First time ever the player will fight against real zombies, hordes of undead creatures that slowly will surround him and that can be killed only shooting to their head.

Through the eyes of a special forces soldier, the game tells the story, of an apocalyptic plague spreading in the city of London. Nobody knows what is happening in the city, why people are dying, why they are becoming undead creatures. All is has happened so fast, the day after an important meeting of the Laboratory for Disease Control. London is now in quarantine and nobody can escape out from this terror.

The army has been destroyed by the plague, the player is one of the last soldiers fighting this war. The colonel has ordered to find the biological data of the plague and take the blood of the zombie number 0, the First infected civilian. With his blood the scientists of the Laboratory for Disease Control will be able to make a vaccine against the plague and aid million of people."

Deadly Walkers | Zombie Game (FPS) for PC and Mac:

'via Blog this'

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