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Monday, April 8, 2013

Horror Etc Podcast: Episode 294 – Catching Up With Evil Dead

From horroretc.com-

"Well it finally happened. A new Evil Dead film. After years of rumour and much speculation it has arrived and we were first in line to check it out. Before setting out for the theatre we sat down to have a casual chat about our expectations and what we have been watching.

The very random topics include the long awaited Dracula 3D from Dario Argento where we test the boundaries of Anthony’s forgiving nature, a short wrap up of The Walking Dead finale, some Dr Who talk, a UK follow up to the supernatural drama miniseries Marchlands – Lightfields, a truly hidden gem that blends The Thing with Intruder – Alien Raiders (2008), another supernatural tale The Pact (2012), a new installment in Scandanavian horror with Norway’s Thale (2012) – an interesting exploration of regional folklore, this time with the Huldra instead of Trolls. Heard of this crazy action pic from Liam Neeson a few years ago, Taken? Ted finally caught up wih it and loved the neck punching. This chat led to a thematic follow up, another revenge fueled flick from South Korea: The Man From Nowhere (2010).

With all that out of the way its time to get to the main event. Spoiler free Evil Dead reactions from 1:10:38 to 1:26:24. In short, we were impressed. William Shatner in a rematch with the Gorn and Siskel and Ebert`s opinion of The Evil Dead (1981) round out the show."

Episode 294 – Catching Up With Evil Dead | Horror Etc:

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