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Monday, April 22, 2013

Game News: God Mode coming to PSN, XBLA, and Steam in early 2013!

From the Press Release

God Mode, the third-person arcade shooter developed by Old School Games, a subsidiary of Saber Interactive, and published by ATLUS, an Index Digital Media, Inc. brand, is now available to download worldwide on Steam and Xbox LIVE Arcade, and coming to PlayStation Network in the U.S. on April 23. God Mode pits players against waves of demonic hordes as they use plenty of death-dealing instruments such as plasma cannons, miniguns and what's affectionately known as the "buzzsaw" to claw through the depths of hell one corpse at a time. God Mode is a download-only title, and priced at $9.99 for Steam and PlayStation Network, and 800 Microsoft Points for Xbox LIVE Arcade. (Prices may vary in international territories.)

God Mode is an intense third-person arcade shooter. It avoids getting bogged down in silly things like "story" in favor of old-school, co-op action. God Mode also adds Tests of Faith - various tweaks to gameplay that range from beneficial to diabolical to ensure that every stage becomes a unique experience.

See more here-

Gather your friends together for God Mode, an arcade-style 4-player co-op shooter romp, coming to PSN, XBLA, and Steam in early 2013!:

'via Blog this'

 photo god-mode_zps03feeb56.jpg

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