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Friday, March 8, 2013

Zombie Game News: Join the Petition for a Class Action Lawsuit against Hammerpoint Interactive creators of The WarZ

From thepetitionsite.com-

"Target: Hammerhead Interactive / OP Productions
Sponsored by: Gamers Against Hammerpoint
Product (The WarZ) was placed in a digital distribution store (STEAM) and their website (www.thewarz.com and was not what was advertised and promoted about the game. Misrepresentation of facts and features posted on both the storefront and the company website (www.thewarz.com).

Hammerpoint Interactive knowingly "released" an incomplete game with features missing that they had advertised on the storefront page and website., in a desperate attempt for a cash grab. Know your consumer rights. The EULA/TOS that you have signed does NOT protect them from legal reprecussions for their illegal actions.

From the FTC

Sec. 238.2 Initial offer.
(a) No statement or illustration should be used in any advertisement which creates a false impression of the grade, quality, make, value, currency of model, size, color, usability, or origin of the product offered, or which may otherwise misrepresent the product in such a manner that later, on disclosure of the true facts, the purchaser may be switched from the advertised product to another.

Many false impressions were made of this game The WarZ to customers that were scammed from their money.

All of TheWarZs dirty laundry is outted here. Sources cited through Kotaku.

They have ripped thousands of people off by selling it as a finished product when advertised and posted features of the game are not even implemented. This is ILLEGAL. Know your rights as consumers. Hopefully with enough signatures we can catch the eye of Lawyers who are willing to follow through and prosecute these crooks."

Check it out-

Petition for a Class Action Lawsuit against Hammerpoint Interactive creators of The WarZ - The Petition Site:

'via Blog this'

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