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Monday, March 18, 2013

100 Years Of Horror Podcast: The Devil Commands

From horrorphilia.com-

"Our Trilogy of Terror icons completes with our spotlight on arguably the greatest of them all, Boris Karloff. After springboarding off his turn as the monster in 1931′s Frankenstein, Karloff made it a habit to appear in films surrounding the resurrection theme, either by mystical means or by mad science. By 1941, his appearance in ‘The Devil Commands’ was his fourth in a five-film contract he’d made with Columbia that eventually turned into his “Mad Scientist Series”, with this particular flick appearing heads above the rest due to the adept directing of Edward Dmytryk and the supporting cast. Follow along with the Phantom Erik and Lester Reaper as they pay their respects to the face of the golden age of horror, Boris Karloff!"

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 029: THE DEVIL COMMANDS (1941) | Horrorphilia:

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