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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Zombie Game News: Day Z Q&A with developer Rocket on Reddit

Whats going on with Day Z standalone? Find out here-

From [DayZGame] Q&A with Rocket on Reddit - Jan 2013 - DayZ Information - Day Z Forums: -

Q: How long is the closed technical test going to last?
A: As long as it takes to smooth out the architectural issues.

Q: Can we expect any new guns/gear upon foundation release?
A: Yes, lots.

Q: Have you made any improvements in terms of sound?
A: Sound isn't something we've played with a lot yet. It's something we can easily improve - we want the freedom now to innovate, which means not getting locked down because we created certain content. The pace of our innovation is insane at the moment and is entirely changing the landscape of the future content changes.

Q: Will the standalone bring an FPS improvement?
A: Yes, but I follow the usual pessimistic thought that whatever FPS increases we see will likely be taken up with new things added to DayZ. A staggering amount of code that was unused by DayZ has been removed, and is ongoing. This includes UI code and object related code, everything. This provides some benefits. There has been a huge amount of art asset optimization, again helping. Overall, I would say DayZ standalone will offer a smoother experience but not necessarily an FPS increase. I.e if you run it on High now, you won't be running it on Very High but you should get a much smoother experience.

Q: Any plans for Minecon-style DayZ events in the future?
A: Probably, no plans as yet. I would say by June we have a good picture on the success of DayZ as a whole and sometime around then we'll have a good think about the future.

Q: What are your plans for end game content?
A: Firstly, once we have DayZ stabilized into something reasonable - we will look at some advanced vehicle stuff. I.e. sort of vehicle construction, adding different parts to vehicles etc...
Then towards the end of the year, probably, looking at base construction as an entirely new game mode.

Q: What about vehicle customization?
A: Not initially, vehicles will remain very, very basic. But later we will add great depth to the parts mechanic something like a "vehicle construction" system. This will be our first foray into "endgame" type content, after we have stabilized the build.

Q: Has Marek Spanel (CEO at Bohemia Interactive Studio for those who don't know) played the mod/sa and given any feedback on it?
A: Marek has been extremely involved since very early in DayZ (since shortly after it's release really). He continues to be a key contributing member of the team both at a management/steering level and also with design.

Q: What about the price?
A: Cheap for a start, rising in price during development. I'm just going to come right out and say it, so that people start to stop with this whole "competition is good" thing. Competition can be good, under the right circumstances. Personally, the WarZ scandal and the price people have been paying has made me think, personally, that we've been undervaluing the project in terms of price. If one company releases a product, that doesn't perform well and is at a high price, and succeeds - what example does that set for other companies? People need to behave like rational consumers and not just instantly buy everything they see - otherwise all they will end up with is crap. The moment gamers start organizing and rewarding developers that meet what the consumers want - is the moment the publishers will be forced to value their developers more (and pay them more). Regardless, it's never going to be at a full retail price.

Read on here-

[DayZGame] Q&A with Rocket on Reddit - Jan 2013 - DayZ Information - Day Z Forums: -

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