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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cthulhu News: W.H. Pugmire needs our help.

From lovecraftzine.com-

"URGENT AND IMPORTANT!!! Pete Rawlik just sent me this instant message:

“Our community has a problem. Check out Wikipedia’s article on Wilum which they are considering deleting because he is a non celebrity.”

At the Wikipedia discussion page, I see the following:

“…I would be more comfortable about deciding this if we could hear from someone familiar with the Lovecraft world who could opine on how much weight to give to those critical discussions of his work…”

So we ALL need to reply to these editors and let them know that (a) W.H. Pugmire is one of the most well-known writers in the Lovecraftian community, that he (b) is known as “The greatest living Lovecraftian writer” by MANY, and (c) anything else you think to add to this discussion.

I am still trying to figure out how to reply to these guys, I’m NOT a Wikipedia expert, but here is the discussion page:


And here is the Wikipedia page for Wilum:


If you know how to reply to the editors, please comment here-."

URGENT AND IMPORTANT! W.H. Pugmire needs our help. « Lovecraft eZine:

'via Blog this'


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