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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Zombie Video Game News: DayZ's Dean Hall: "I am angry about the The War Z" plz RT

So, unless you have been living under a rock for the past month, you have probably heard of the massive train wreck known as The War Z.

The game itself, is a blatant rip off the the awesome Day Z mod for ARMA 2. And Day Z creator Dean Hall has mistakenly been taking a lot of flack for the unethical business practices of War Z creators Hammerpoint Interactive!

From eurogamer.net-

"I'm quite hurt personally because anyone can see how similar the words are, and while the average gamer knows the difference, individual people don't," he wrote. "I've had family members/close friends mistake the difference and confront me about what they believed was unethical behaviour they thought I was making.

"I really don't think anyone can understand just quite how exasperated that can make you feel when you've gambled everything on something, put your whole self and reputation on the line. So it hasn't made my life very pleasant, and I disagree entirely with the conduct and how consumers have been treated."

Read more here-

DayZ's Dean Hall: "I am angry about the The War Z" • News • PC • Eurogamer.net:

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