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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Zombie News: Left 4 Dead 2 Mod:Steam Workshop: Dethly's Assassin's Creed Hunter plz RT

From steamcommunity.com-

"I originally wanted to make a Assassin's Creed themed survivor, but no one wears a hood and I can't do any 3d modeling, at least to the level required to make it look decent. So I went ahead did the hunter as he actually has a hood. Contains custom textures and normals made by myself.

That little Assassin's Creed Emblem has been removed from the front and placed on the back of the Jacket.

If you have any problems, ideas for improvements or new skins entirely, questions or comments, just drop me a comment or PM. Unless I get absolutely flooded with comments and PMs (which is unlikely,) I intend to read them all.

If you're having trouble with the mod, there's a few things you can do. First try restarting the game and reinstalling the addon, make sure the mod doesn't conflict with any other existing addons you may have, and finally restart steam and try all of the above once again if all else fails, if that doesn't work, then I don't know, that usually fixes most problems.

Assassin's Creed and all that jazz belongs to Ubisoft.

I've been requested to make a Connor themed Skin for Ellis by a couple people, so expect that to come out sometime soon. He won't have a hood before you get your hopes up. I'm just a lowly skinner, not a modeller :( sad face."

Check it out-

Steam Workshop :: Dethly's Assassin's Creed Hunter:

'via Blog this'


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