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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Zombie News: Left 4 Dead 2 Mod: Steam Workshop: Borderland 2 Survivors Skins plz RT

From steamcommunity.com-

"As the Badasses watched Salvador and the rebels turn to wretched beasts They decided it best to spare Handsome Jack. His resources and charisma may prove useful in many situations. Jack, reluctant to fight with the Badasses who killed his daughter, Agreed to join them, However His supplies were short-lived, as he previously just needed to construct something when it broke, durability in his equipment was not its strongpoint. A hole burned into Zer0's Cloaking Device, maya With no contact with eridium (thus no energy to use her siren powers), and the lack of power source (rendering Axtons turret dead and the badasses shields down), They brave the infection, discovering some form of immunity, searching for the surviving Hypereon soldiers to be taken to safty so they may put away their differences and call a truce amung new-found comrades, or resume the rivalry that preceeded the infestation...... Probibly the later"

Check it out-

Steam Workshop :: Borderland 2 Survivors:

'via Blog this'


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