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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cthulhu News: Announcing an Upcoming Expansion for Elder Sign: Unseen Forces plz RT

From fantasyflightgames.com-

"Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce Unseen Forces, the first expansion for Elder Sign, the cooperative dice game of Lovecraftian horror. The museum harbors artifacts that draw the attention of horrible beings, and the unfathomable wills of these creatures make themselves known in the form of blessings and curses. New Ancient Ones, monsters, and investigators accompany the introduction of these powers, and the entrance of the museum has been remodeled, adding new locations and options for the beleaguered investigators."

"Countless mysteries confront the investigators, and they cannot hope to comprehend the wills at work in this conflict. These forces may choose to help or hinder humans who dabble in the arcane mysteries of the universe. In Unseen Forces, blessings may fall on a lucky investigator, or a curse can confound those who are not careful.

New dice represent the whims of these powers from beyond. A white die is added to the dice pool of players who have been blessed, and investigators suffering from a cursed condition must roll the black die. The white die gives the blessed investigator an extra icon to work with to complete his tasks. The black die forces a player to discard one die in his pool that matches its icon when rolled."

"Blessings and curses are generally gained by completing or failing adventures, but you could be cursed by a particularly horrible monster or an unlucky mythos effect as well. The museum is fraught with eldritch energies that can lead to success or horrifying ruin, and wise investigators will seek out blessings and avoid curses as best they can in order to survive."

"The entrance to the museum has undergone an overhaul, and Unseen Forces introduces four Entrance Cards to be used in place of the Entrance Reference Sheet. The new Entrance options give investigators more ways to spend their turn if they’d rather not attempt an adventure. The four new spaces give players a chance to spend their trophies in new ways, but beware, the Mythos deck contains cards that can shutter these locations for the rest of the game."

See more here-

Fantasy Flight Games [News] - Unseen Forces:

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