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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

100 Years Of Horror Podcast: Maniac (1934) plz RT

From horrorphilia.com-

"It only took us 22 years, but we managed to kidnap and stash our first victim in the boiler room, Mike from the Badasses, Boobs & Body Countsblog/podcast. Mike comes to us as a fellow member of the Horrorphilia network, bringing along with him his background and expertise on the ‘exploitation’ film. Our discussion of Dwain Esper’s classic exploitation flick, “Maniac”, incites equal parts frustration and admiration. But, like most exploitation flicks, at least it incites some sort of emotion. We hope you’ll enjoy this extended episode of the 100 Years of Horror, which also includes a quick dip into the history of exploitation and just a few of countless film picks for you to dirty your hands with. Unfortunately, Lester isn’t as accomodating to Mike, however the seasoned host came prepared with his own wicked little friend. He may or may not have, however, remembered to take this ghoulish presence with him when he left…"

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 022: MANIAC (1934) | Horrorphilia:

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