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Thursday, December 20, 2012

RPG News: A Free Adventure for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

From fantasyflightgames.com-

The Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Beginner Game is poised to introduce new and veteran roleplayers to exciting adventures on the fringes of galactic society. The perfect starting point for roleplaying in the Star Wars galaxy, the Beginner Game includes a complete learn-as-you-go adventure, plus all the references and components three to five players need to experience it.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored what new players can expect when opening their Beginner Game and we’ve discussed the core dice mechanic that gives Edge of the Empire its unique narrative focus. Then, in our last preview, we looked at character advancement, and we concluded with a promise that the excitement doesn’t end when you’ve finished the game’s included adventure.

Today, we’ll discuss the first steps new Game Masters can take as they move beyond the introductory adventure and into a whole galaxy of excitement. First, we’ll discuss “The Long Arm of the Hutt,” the free downloadable Beginner Game adventure that’s now available on our support page! Then we’ll detail the process for advancing Beginner Game characters beyond their first adventures and describe the resources available to the GM to enhance the game. Finally, we’ll discuss creating your own brand new adventures in the Star Wars galaxy!

The included adventure in the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game is entitled “Escape From Mos Shuuta.” Presuming that all goes well for the Hero Players, by the end of the adventure they will have - Spoiler alert! - escaped from the crime-ridden Tatooine spaceport of Mos Shuuta and are ready to embark on a galaxy-spanning adventure!

Even if the Hero Players have been successful in that adventure, that doesn’t mean they’ve escaped their own shadowy pasts. After all, even in a galaxy as expansive as that in Star Wars, you carry your reputation (and your problems) with you wherever you go. Can the players escape the grasp of a ruthless and influential crime lord once and for all?

Today, FFG is pleased to announce the release of “The Long Arm of the Hutt” (low res pdf, 2.4 MB) a totally free pdf adventure designed to serve as a sequel to “Escape from Mos Shuuta”! Now available on our support page, “The Long Arm of the Hutt” continues the action immediately after “Escape from Mos Shuuta.” Throughout this comprehensive 46-page adventure, the Hero Players will travel from the Ryll mines of Ryloth to the noble courts of Geonosis as they seek to escape the ire of a powerful Hutt crime lord. With an exciting blend of action and intrigue, “The Long Arm of the Hutt” is an ideal next-step for groups just finding their stride in the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game. The multi-session adventure is also suitable for veteran roleplayers, providing 20 hours or more of additional gameplay!

Having finished the included learn-as-you-play adventure, both the GM and the Hero Players alike will have developed considerable knowledge of the Edge of the Empire setting and mechanics. The training wheels can now come off, and while your group will still be relative novices, they will be more comfortable improvising, adapting, and facing a wider array of narrative choices. There are two main resources that the group should consult as they proceed: the Rulebook and the final spread in the Character Folios.

Let’s begin with the Rulebook. Marked “Read This Book Last,” the Rulebook provides a quick and easy reference both during and after “Escape from Mos Shuuta.” Having played through “Escape From Mos Shuuta,” both the GM and the Hero Players should have a strong grasp of the mechanics of the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game. However, reading the rulebook will give all players a better, more detailed understanding of the rules of the game. Subjects that were addressed in a more limited fashion in the introductory adventure are expanded and described in detail.

Get it here-

Fantasy Flight Games [News] - The Long Arm of the Hutt:

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