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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Horror Podcast: 100 Years Of Horror: The Phantom 1931

From horrorphilia.com-

"Things were changing in the realm of horror in 1931. After being mainly established overseas for over a decade, the anti-war sensibilities of German Expressionism were turning into nationalist pride behind a charismatic leader and his propaganda films, leaving the Americans to rediscover the genre on their own. Join the Phantom Erik as he and Lester take a look at one of America’s forays into horror with 1931′s the Phantom from the independent Supreme Pictures studio. Starring ‘Big Boy’ Williams and Allene Ray, these seasoned actors taking a stab at early talkies where only one will still come out with a career. Director Alan James takes on this common old, dark house tale that takes an original turn as it moves into an insane asylum with an escaped lunatic looking for the perfect victim for one of his outlandish science experiments. Will Erik accept this film for bearing his namesake, or cast it aside as a poor example of where American horror was in the great year of 1931? It’s been a long time coming, as the Phantom Erik and his sidekick finally explore the dawn of horror in America with the Golden Age just beginning."

Check it out-

100 YEARS OF HORROR EPISODE 019: THE PHANTOM (1931) | Horrorphilia:

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