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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Horror News: Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 014: Modern Grindhouse Sextravaganza

From horrorphilia.com-

This week, the Bodacious Horror Podcast gets sleazy with an episode dedicated to modern takes on the Grindhouse experience. We discuss “Nude Nuns With Big Guns” (2010), “Machete” (2010) and “Grindhouse” (2007). We get waylaid along the way and talk Astron-6′s “Lazer Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove”, drop some names and act like the kind of arrogant, bloated media types we’re fast becoming.

Check it out-

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 014: Modern Grindhouse Sextravaganza | Horrorphilia:

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