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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Game News: The Key and the Gate: Announcing an Upcoming Expansion for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game

From fantasyflightgames.com-

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of The Key and the Gate, a deluxe expansion for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game with a strong focus on the mysteries and minions of Yog-Sothoth!

With its 165 new cards (three copies each of fifty-five individual cards), The Key and the Gate delves deep into the dark secrets of Yog-Sothoth. It also changes the fates of the game’s other factions with new Fated characters and powerful support cards.

Coterminous with all time and space, the Outer God Yog-Sothoth knows and sees all, and its power extends across all reality and through all time. In Call of Cthulhu, this Ancient One exerts an unparalleled influence over the draw deck and discard pile. Under the control of a clever fan of Yog-Sothoth, cards are never lost or out of play; they merely lie dormant, waiting to move from one state to another. The Key and the Gate reaches farther than ever with this power, introducing effects like that on Lost Oracle (The Key and the Gate, 9) that trigger only from the discard pile, as well as enhancing strategies built around discarding opponents’ decks.

Because Yog-Sothoth possesses unfathomable knowledge, there are always some reckless or daring individuals who seek the deity’s favor in order to gain knowledge and power. The Key and the Gate rewards these mad Scientists and Sorcerers with new powers, allowing players to tweak old strategies and develop new ones around their new scientific knowledge and Spells.

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Fantasy Flight Games [News] - The Key and the Gate:

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