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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Horror Movie Podcast: TSC #33 Halloween 3: It's Miller Time with Tom Atkins

From horrorphilia.com-

"The Skeleton Crew #33: Halloween 3: It’s Miller Time with Tom Atkins

0:01 – 2:00

We start off the show discussing the anticipation of interviewing Tom Atkins of
Halloween 3, The Fog, Night of the Creeps and My Bloody Valentine. Alex sends
some really odd text messages to Mike. Obsessed much?

2:05 – 2:59

Alex reminds everyone to watch his Halloween movie The Ghost of Michael Myers
with the crew will be uploading to their youtube channel.

There will also be another upload containing a commentary to
the film!

3:00 – 10:00

Alex and Mike go over some “listener letters” which address Halloween
3! Was this the best ending they coulda came up with? Hear what the guys think.
Does Alex REALLY think his idea woulda been a better ending? Oh please…..

10:15 – 13:30

For the first time in history Michael Myers on the match game! Will Michael
Myers find the girl of his dreams? Will he find the true love of his life? Listen
and see if he has what it takes to win your heart!

13:31 – 19:30

Alex give a full comprehensive review of why he think the Halloween 2 TV cut
(as seen in shout factory’s release of Halloween 2 (1981) on bluray, may in
fact be the better version to watch if your a huge fan of the original. Is he
correct? Is he a little off? Listen and send us your feedback at

20:00 – End

The crew sits down with horror icon Tom Atkins star of
Halloween 3 for an in depth interview. What did Tom think when Halloween 3 got
panned? What did Tom think of his sex scenes? What is Toms favorite football
team? Find all this out and much more in this exclusive interview!"

Check it out-

TSC #33 Halloween 3: It's Miller Time with Tom Atkins | Horrorphilia:

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