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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast: Episode 009: Night Watch, Meat Grinder, One-Eyed Monster, Shadow of the Vampire

From horrorphilia.com-

  "This week your brave heroes, Gill & Roscoe, journey through some of the films on offer at a discount retail store near you. Will they be bad? Will they be great? The only thing that’s for sure, all of them cost one of your earth pounds. We discuss the historical Shadow of the Vampire (2000), the adult themed One-Eyed Monster (2008), Thai shocker Meat Grinder (2009) and Russian fantasy masterpiece Night Watch (2004). Will Gill & Roscoe still be tired and emotional? You’ll have to listen to find out. Please send us some comments on the Facebook group, follow us on Twitter (@BodaciousHorror and @GillRockatansky) or if you’re so inclined you can leave us a comment and rating on the iTunes. Gill & Roscoe’s Bodacious Horror Podcast is part of the Horrorphilia Network of podcasts, check out all the shows at www.horrorphilia.com"

 check it out-


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